Google Maps 403 Errors

Google Maps 403 Errors

Tristar uses a small set of Google internet services in order to provide location data for addresses, distances between two locations, and map imagery for both the website and desktop applications.  In late August 2018, Google made some changes to these services that affected Tristar customers' ability to use these services.

Symptoms of this problem are various error messages with the vast majority of our users receiving 403: Forbidden when trying to use a feature that relies on the services mentioned above, followed by a program crash.  

We have altered the way that our programs interact with these 3rd party services in the latest versions.  Users that are on desktop version 8.87 and below and are encountering this issue should file a ticket and inquire about upgrading to the current version.  If your installed version is 8.88 or above, you can automatically install the fix by going to Help->Update Programs from within the software.

Websites will be patched by Tristar as time allows.  We appreciate your patience as we continue to work through this issue.