How to Insert an Attachment Into Your Subpoena Package

How to Insert an Attachment Into Your Subpoena Package

The Photocopy PDF attachment system is pretty intricate. Please follow the instructions below to attach your PDF to an Authorization:
1. Update the attachment tab of the workorder :
Please click the properties button once you load the attachment to set the type and associate it with the facility.d
The type of attachment is critical. if you don't specify authorization or change the name of the title, the software won't recognize that document and insert it.
Second note the circled section. That needs to be highlighted as shown in order for that attached document to connect with the facility. 

Finally, you need to tell the facility part of the program to attach the PDF. Our default setting is either to have no attachment or a text attachment, so you will need to click the following radio button the facility miscellaneous tab:

The radio buttons do the following:
Text - use the text phrase from the subpoena/authorization tab.
PDF - Pull the properly associated PDF and insert it into the document.
Both - Include both the phrase and the PDF as two documents attached in the package.
None - do not insert an attachment.
the phrase on the subpoena description tab can be found here:
If the attachment still does not attach after setting up everything as shown above, please submit a ticket and we will double check your system setup.
We can adjust the position  of the attachment in the package as required and often the base set of documents is set for the simplest implementation of our software.
NOTE: the attachment portion of the phrase is what prints on the attachment. 
The continued on attachment 3 checkbox no longer controls what type of attachment is included. That function is controlled by the radio button on the miscellaneous tab.
Please note if your proof document in the package looks like this:

You probably marked your facility misc tab wrong:

If you mark PDF you should have something setup on the above tab. If not you get overlays as shown below:

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