How to Load Models

How to Load Models

Each Tristar system has a component called models. We use models to produce documents including proofs and subpoenas and invoices.
If your format is not correct on some form, please send us a PDF of the output with notes on what needs to change.
Once we complete our work we will ask you to reload / load your models.
You can find that function on the help menu:

for A/R:

for winserveplus:

This function loads both the forms from our server to your local computer along with your images (bitmaps).
Once this function completes your system will be updated with the latest changes.
Please note the bitmap loading error that occasionally occurs is not critical unless you end up with a missing signature. 
Please send in a ticket if you signature doesn't download properly along with a copy of the image so we can check on it.

When you close and reopen our applications, it automatically checks the server and downloads any updates.
It is a good general practice to close our software each night as you leave the office and reopen it in the morning.
Often, Tristar will do system updates overnight and by closing and reopening the software it will check to verify you are on the correct version.

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