How to Set Your Email Settings

How to Set Your Email Settings

If you are unsure of your email settings and you use outlook, please review them as described:
click the file menu option in outlook:

And open up the account settings:

Displayed on the above screen is the outgoing email server. You will need that. select the change icon and review the email address and outgoing email server.
Normally, your user name for email is your email address.
You will need to know your password.

Finally the port number is shown by clicking on the more settings button and clicking on the advanced tab:

if you are using gmail or some other email service, Google SMTP settings for your email service. there should be an article detailing the outgoing email server and the correct port.  
To configure your settings in Wincopy or Winserveplus please follow the below instructions.
You can update these parameters in the client setup part of the software or in maintenance in Wincopy and Winserveplus Maintenance/setup.

To update your email parameters open up Winserveplus and go into Maintenance/Setup:

Once the parameters are open, you can update your settings:

You will need to know your email settings to configure this page. Normally our clients send email from local email connection.
The outgoing email server is setup via your settings. You can also browse on the internet to find the settings for common email servers like google and office 365.
The internet should have your outgoing port number.
You will need to enter your email address and user name (often the same as your email address).
Finally you will need to enter your password. (We can't help you with that).
Next attempt to test your email. if you get an error try checking one of the two boxes at the bottom. Each email server has its preferred authentication and encryption rules, so you may need to monkey around with it a bit.
You have not completed your task until the response is email sent:

If you can't figure it out, you can check someone else in your office's setup to copy theirs or talk to your IT department and get them to help you out.
Tristar does not have an email magic wand. We have to follow the same rules as anyone else for this stuff.

Just as a note. You may have the wrong user name and password for your email. Try logging into your email server using the credentials you have provided. If it works, something else is going on. If it fails. Get the right user name and password. that should solve this issue.
For Office 365 please note the following:

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