How to Submit a Ticket

How to Submit a Ticket

Tristar's ticket submission system can be found here:
Create your credentials and log in.

When submitting a ticket to Tristar we need information to understand the issue.
If you are having an issue with a specific order, send us that job #. If it happens with other orders, just send us at least 1 job number so we have somewhere to start.
If you have having an issue with a screen or form, please send us the form with mark ups so we know what is wrong. 
if the issue is with a screen, please describe what you did to create the issue and what job # was involved so we can attempt to repeat the error.
When working with software, an un-repeated error is not an error.
If you want the software to do something different that it does now, please describe the new behavior. If coding is required we will send back a proposal for your approval.
Please include contact information, specifically, please as you set yourself up in Zoho, please include a phone number so we know what number to call you on.
If you have a general account with zoho for your firm, please include a contact name so we know who to talk to.

We attempt to swing through the list of support issues several times a day., If we ask a question or seek clarification, please respond so we can finish your issue.

Once we feel the job is complete we will send a message requesting you reload (load) models if we had to change a form and ask you try it again.

If your problem is solved, please let us know so we can mark your issue as solved and we can respond faster to the next issue.

Unclosed tickets cause a slowdown in support, so closing tickets really helps us keep ahead of the game.

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