Statements Don't Pull Any Invoices

Statements Don't Pull Any Invoices

The possible causes of no statements pulling on a statement include:
1. No open items (invoices) available in the date range selected.
2. No accounts with the selected billing cycle.
3. No accounts with the selected branch.
4. Accounts may have a negative balance and the skip negative accounts checkbox is checked.
5. You have not imported your invoices for this statement run.
6. You chose to select one delivery method and no accounts are setup to be delivered in that way.
To resolve any of the above issues, verify your accounts and date ranges and delivery methods.
The full description of the statement selection screen follows:

The PDF statement software in A/R is designed to pull invoices and print them on a statement based on the parameters setup on the statement parameters screen:

The statement date is  used to age the account. It should be set to the last day of the period being printed.
The document date range is the main selection of invoices that appear on the statement (summary of account). If you don't get any selected invoices check the date range or verify you have imported invoices into A/R from Winserveplus and wincopy. The invoices are not automatically loaded in our system. You must pull them in.
The reinvoice date range is the date selection range for the reprinted invoices. If you don't need reinvoices for this run, these parameters won't do anything. If you do want reinvoices for this run, then select the date range required. The two date ranges do not need to match. the error message no invoices selected is not affected by this selection.
The email subject field is only required if you are emailing your statements. If not, ignore this section.
Billing cycle is used to pick all customers that have the selected billing cycle (See the customer statement profile section below for more details).
The select one delivery method checkbox and series of radio buttons will pull only customer's whose profile is marked with the selected method of delivery. (so if you pick make a pdf and email it, then the program will only pull accounts that have that delivery method marked on the customer statement profile).
The show trace checkbox will show you a list of each statement formatted with the total for that account and how the statement was supposed to deliver the statement. This checkbox can help as  you are learning the  system and verifying what happens when the statements run.
The skip negative accounts blocks any customers from printing that have a balance that less then zero for the specified date range.
The exclude orphans will block any prepayments that have not been billed yet from showing on the statement.
The use this model for all customers overrides the customer statement profile settings and creates the format selected.
The use this delivery method checkbox overrides the customer statement profile settings and formats and delivers statements as selected. 
Please note: The Print PDF option only prints if you have adobe acrobat reader installed on your computer. 
If not installed the print function will fail on the pdf will end up in your pdf folder. You will have to use windows to print the file.

The selected billing cycle can be found on the PDF statement parameters screen:

This screen is used to define the default method of delivery for the statement for this customer. In order to email the statement, you must have your email setup properly and you must fill in a valid email address for the person that should receive the statement. The model name is used to select the default statement format for this account. Each account can have its own statement format.
if the check the add customer note checkbox, the system will generate a note in that customer's customer note area for each statement printed.
The custom report drop down requires extended training and will require configuration by Tristar.

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