The complex records are ready setup is configured as follows on an order:
You need to select a ship via description that includes the word download.
You must say you have at least 1 set.
You need to specify the email address and password for the records as shown. This will become the default for the ship to facility tab of the order:
If you don't include at least 1 set and the download part of the ship via title, the system will not send an email.
Please note you can mark the COD box if you use our paysimple interface to charge the card. The user can't receive the document until they pay the invoice.
If you check the payment required checkbox, the user won't be able to download the records until the records invoice is paid through the A/R cash entry (or website).
Once records are ready use the right click load records to web server function to load your documents:
then click the send email button.
The Ship to contact will receive an email as shown:
They then click the link and put in their user id and password as set up on your ship to tab.
the website will take the user directly to the download page which can include volumes (several downloads) for the facility.
Note this page is for downloading documents only, The top menu bar is cold other than logging off the system.
The user can logoff and then log back in to get full website functionality.