Win Serve Plus Commissions Tutorial

Win Serve Plus Commissions Tutorial

The Winserveplus Commissions system is based on jobs invoiced. If a job isn't invoiced, the commission won't be included in a report.
The system can either be setup to automatically calculate the commission or you can enter the commission by hand. 
The first section will discuss how to setup a commission so your system will automatically calculate an amount.
1. in Billing rate entry in the billing maintenance menu:

By checking the box you tell the system to pay a commission on this detail billing item.
The amount field is a flat amount you pay for this billing item.
The rate is a percentage you calculate based on the billing amount (like 50%).
If you check the server's assigned Percentage checkbox the amount and rate grey out and the server's commission is activated:

The this server receives commission checkbox must be checked to activate this server's commission.
The commission rate and flat fee fields will then ungrey and you can enter the correct rate or amount.
Rate means percentage. Flat fee is the amount paid for that billing item.
The flat fee doesn't vary by where the service was done or what type of billing item. it is just a flat commission amount.
Once the commission is setup the system will calculate the commission on the invoice.

if you choose not to setup the commissions before in maintenance you can still enter the commission by hand in invoice entry:

Once entered, you can edit and update as needed until that commission period is closed out. Updating commissions after that would cause accounting issues.
The next section covers how to run the commission report at the end of each period.
First you need to hit the invoicing menu

and select the commissions that are ready to pay:

click OK to mark those invoices for payment:

the commission report breaks by server and includes each invoice

If you forget or lose your report you can reprint it from the same commission report screen.

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